[Figurine]Le Darth Vader Samurai de star war qu'on aurais donc du avoir!!!
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[Figurine]Le Darth Vader Samurai de star war qu'on aurais donc du avoir!!!
Vous saviez-vous que le personnage de Darth Vader de l'univers de Star war était a l'origine été inspiré d'un personnage samurai Japonais???
Cette année au Tokyo Toy show, ils ont décider de sortir une figurine a son effigie!!!
Qui aurais aimer plutot que le notre Darth Vader aurais ressembler plus a un samurai qu'a un canne de conserve???
en tout cas.. ils ont de la classe tout les deux!!! Que la force sois avec lui aussi!!
Star Wars is famously inspired by Japanese samurai films. So it makes sense for Bandai to release this wonderful Samurai-style Darth Vader.
Dubbed, "Movie Realization Samurai General Darth Vader," the figurine was recently displayed at the Tokyo Toy Show. Designed by Takayuki Takeya, the 7.8-inch figure is slated for a winter 2014 release in Japan. Price is TBA, reports IT Media.
[Photo: HobbySearch]
[Photo: AmiAmi]
[Photo: Kochiya29]
Did you know that George Lucas apparently offered the Darth Vader role to Toshiro Mifune? According to Mifune's daughter, the Star Wars creator did.
The Japanese influence in Star Wars is no accident. George Lucas' hero is acclaimed filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, and he was inspired by the Japanese director's films, such as The Hidden Fortress.
According to a famous bit of Star Wars trivia, Lucas even wanted actor Toshiro Mifune, who starred in many Kurosawa films, to act in Star Wars. The trivia, which has been repeated for years now, says that Lucas tried to get Mifune to play Obi-Wan Kenobi—something that Lucas confirmed. The choice makes sense. But what if Lucas wanted Mifune to play another character?
This weekend on world history quiz show Sekai Fushigi Hakken! (世界ふしぎ発見!), Toshiro Mifune's daughter, Mika Mifune, recounted how her famous father was first asked to play Obi-Wan Kenobi—an offer he turned down.
Then, Mika continued, Mifune was offered the role of Darth Vader. The villain's helmet was apparently designed with Mifune in mind, and if Mifune had taken the role, his face supposedly would have been visible. The inference is that Lucas really wanted the famed Japanese actor in his movie. But Mifune thought the sci-fi flick was going to be a kid's movie, hence him passing on the project.
Mifune as Obi-Wan Kenobi is a little easier to wrap one's head around. At that time, he was an international superstar and a hero of Lucas'. Vader has become inseparable from the suit and the voice of James Earl Jones, making it harder to see the character any other way.
Mifune daughter wasn't born until 1982, so her account isn't exactly first person—and it's something I don't ever recall hearing. If this bit of trivia is true and if Mifune had played Darth Vader, the character could have certainly developed differently during Lucas' writing process. For example, the Sith Lord might've had a badass beard.
For more on the development of Darth Vader, check out The Secret History of Star Wars.
Nombre de messages : 2662
Age : 44
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Emploi/loisirs : TI Réseau
Mon Top 3 Anime/manga : il y en a trop et ca change tout le temps
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012
Re: [Figurine]Le Darth Vader Samurai de star war qu'on aurais donc du avoir!!!
Ça me fais penser aux 2 images que j'ai sur mon ordi.
Nombre de messages : 103
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2012
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