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[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon????

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[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Empty [Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon????

Message par Neosilver Jeu 22 Mai 2014 - 20:52

[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Ap5tslny3gfrjxzxy6t2

Cela fais quelque mois que je vois tranquillement sur le net a travers les forum et bulletinboard ainsi que sur le tube une nouveauté qui commence tranquillement a devenir la nouvelle ''tendance in et cool'' des jeunes....

et qui serais peut-être le prochain successeur de Pokémon???? hummm.....

les fans otaku fini de Pokémon monterais tous au barricade en disant qu'il n'y aura jamais rien qui battra Pokémon et le surclassera pour le laisser dans l'oublie.... mais qui sais ce que l'avenir nous réserve???

et la nouvelle fureur chez les jeunes au Japon s'appelle : Youkai Watch

Bien sur dans le passé il y a déjà eu plusieurs série qui on essayé d'être sous la même formule de Pokémon et on tous été considéré des ''clones'' ou des ''rip off''...... bref, ils ont tous été très très considéré être grandement inspiré (et je dis bien ''INSPIRÉ''.... car je sais bien qu'ils ont tous leur propre catégorie et particularité) par l'ancêtre et l'un des premier qui est Pokémon.

Comme exemple classique il y a eu genre : Digimon

[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Digimon-Frontier-Episode-50-English-Dubbed


[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? 2E5095E19C25501CA59A24501CA575

Monster Rancher

[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Monster-Rancher-640x248

et bien sur il y en a surement tout plein d'autre dont il ne me vienne pas a la tête vite fais.... mais bon, Pokémon avais toujours la grande particularité d'être dans le genre : attrapez les tous et entrainez les!!!

la base était être un ''maitre'' et de tous collectionnez ce que tu pouvais pour être le meilleur..... et bien sur basé sur awwwwww..... l'amitié!!

Youkai Watch est la nouvelle franchise qui se rapproche le plus de ce que Pokémon jamais fut et voici un article qui vous donnera en détail de A à Z presque ce que consiste cette série.

principalement si l'essence de Pokémon est la ''pokéball'' et le ''pokedeck''

Youkai Watch est bien sur une ''montre''

[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Tumblr_inline_mxstxpb6KL1rmjx4g

Désoler que je ne vous résume pas en francais l'article comme souvent je fais...mais c'est assez long et gros comme truc alors je vous laisse le lire.

Présentement Youkai Watch a une série animé en cours, déjà des ''jouet'' et jeu de carte, un manga et bien sur des jeux vidéo..... et si vous pensiez que c'est un truc nouveau.... Youkai Watch existe déjà depuis 2011, mais ce n'est que depuis que le jeu est devenu populaire c'est dernière année ainsi qu'avec sa série télé que la franchise a pris de l’ampleur.

Vous pouvez lire plus bas un autre article que je vous donne sur justement ''l’engouement'' et la ''frénésie'' des enfants au Japon pour cette nouveauté le calvaire des parents qui doivent se garosher dans les boutique et se battre pour avoir ''le'' truc populaire de l'heure

Maintenant a mon opinion.... est-ce que cela va devenir populaire ici en amérique comme pokémon??? mmmmmm j'en doute... pas avant plusieurs année et cela dépendra de la promotion et publicité que le Japon et les compagnie américaine ici feront de la franchise...

Cela risque au pire je pense en amérique de faire comme c'est prédécesseur que j'ai mentionné plus haut.... la série sera connu pendant quelque année en amérique du nord pour tomber un peu dans l'oublie comme les autres ci-haut.

mais au Japon, il y a de forte chance que la nouvelle génération d'enfant grandisse désormais avec Youkai Watch peut-être comme modèle..... et bien que les fans plus agé otaku (16 et plus) resterons fidèle a pokémon.... c'est peut-être un nouvelle ère de changement qui arrive?????

"Yokai Watch? WTF is that?" was my first response when I heard about the 3DS game that had Brian ransacking toy stores.

Yokai Watch (妖怪ウォッチ) is pretty much a Pokemon style game from Level-5 of Professor Layton fame, where the objective is to collect cute little fairy-like monsters – called Yokai – to battle with. The game came out last year completely under my radar, but with the anime going strong, and the game itself hitting the million sales mark recently, I had to see what the hubbub is all about.
In the game, you play the part of a young boy or girl who rescues the ghost, Whisper. In return, you are granted the Yokai Watch, a device that allows you to detect and see the invisible yokai that populate the world. By finding and beating the various yokai, you can befriend them and they will give you a "yokai coin" that allows you to summon them to your aid at any time. Together with your newfound buddies, you set about helping people in need and stopping the wrongdoings of mischievous yokai.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Kn2qq1u9xhtvxs3eabl7
It's kind of difficult to play the game without making comparisons to Pokemon, but the core concept is the only real overlap. The game takes place very much in the real world and while yokai are everywhere, they're not ingrained in society. The game's story plays out in chapters, and while more areas become accessible over time, you never really leave your home town. Unlike Pokemon the game does not have a specific goal set from the start like becoming a Yokai Master or something. It's just the adventures of a child who discovers a fantastic and wonderful world that hides in plain sight.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Dssdobya8xvtuarmsppz
The actual Yokai Watch is probably the most entertaining element of the game. When you are running about, a meter will rise or fall depending on your proximity with a hidden yokai. Once you're close enough, an exclamation point will appear above your character's head and you can look for the yokai close up. You can move the "yokai lens" about the screen to find the invisible yokai, but the buggers move around and even if you spot one, you have to stay locked on to it in order to fill a meter. When they realize you've spotted them, the yokai will scamper about, trying to stay out of your sight, forcing you to follow them with the lens. Once the meter is filled, the yokai will appear and a battle will ensue.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Afvnfa4r30cjk6ryrdmx
You can have up to 6 yokai in your active roster. 3 will serve as the front and actually fight simultaneously while the other 3 remain in the reserves. You can rotate the yokai at any time to move the battle to your advantage or to keep wounded yokai out of harm's way. Battle itself is semi-automatic. Yokai will attack or defend or even slack off on their own. The player can assist by using items, specifying targets, having yokai execute special moves, or healing yokai that have been possessed.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Zzemnocngqydvqohjpd5
Each yokai has a special move that the player can order them to perform. But having the yokai actually pull off the move requires you to do a series of simple touch panel acrobatics by tracing a series of patterns, spinning a wheel, or tapping spheres of light that move across the screen.
There are a plethora of yokai to befriend throughout the game – all in all well over 200. And once you start finding and collecting them, then comes the urge to "catch 'em all."
There are several other characters you run into in the game, but the main focus is definitely the yokai, and this is where Yokai Watch is probably going to have the biggest hurdle in becoming the next Pokemon: Yokai Watch is very Japanese. That's not a racist jab or anything. Just that a lot of it is going to be very hard to translate. Most of the yokai that appear in the game are based on Japanese lore and I'd say a good 70% or more have names that are puns or a play on words that are a translator's nightmare.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Std736cynqctuupkovt8
For example, the yokai Negatibuun's name is a combination of the word "negative" and "buun," the onomatopoeia of a mosquito flying. The yokai itself looks like a mosquito wearing a hoodie which is funny if you understand the joke, but otherwise it's going to just pass you by. Perhaps they could translate it into something like "Negatisquito" but then I feel something will get lost in translation. Yokai Watch is full of such word games. Even the word "Yokai" is a challenge. Are they "monsters?" No. Are they "fairies?" Not exactly... They're just "Yokai." This is the kind of thing which I fear will make taking the game West quite a daunting task. Not impossible, mind you – it's been done before with Pokemon, after all, what is a Pokemon? Plus I'm sure Level-5 will want to take a game this popular to an international market, but even so, I worry that it won't be the same in English.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? B0rtrdgc5x3intvjsruz
Overall, I've put in about 8 hours in the game and completed 6 of the game's 11 chapters. The game has a youthful innocence to it that makes it a lot of fun to play. The characters are your basic kid anime tropes, but they serve their purpose, whereas the yokai are playful and charming and easily the game's biggest draw. The creative use of the 3DS touch pad to help in battles is engaging and fun and overall, the game is a solid and well-executed start of a new franchise. While it didn't gain momentum until this year, I can see why Yokai Watch has become the phenomenon that it has, forcing parents to run around frantically searching for the tie-in merchandise to get their kids.
Good luck, Brian.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Zspeen5vecwycypnjxck
Yokai Watch is currently out on the 3DS in Japan. No word on an international release, and God help the translator who has to localize it, but Level-5 has registered the trademark, so there is hope. A sequel is scheduled for release in Japan on July 10th in the form of 2 games, each with their own unique yokai, because the Pokemon model of marketing made oodles of money, and who doesn't love money?

[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Fzn6wfg8p4t0xygqpdlf
This week, I spent four mornings out and about. I went to store after store. My mission was to locate toys from a popular anime. And boy, did I ever fail.
The anime is Yokai Watch, which is based on the 3DS game. Developed by Level-5 of Professor Layton fame and released last year, the game made the top ten sales chart. But it wasn't until the anime was released earlier this year that its popularity really took off.
Yokai Watch follows the adventures of Keita, who can see yokai (or monsters) by using a special watch.
Keita befriends the yokai, who give him medals (or coins), which he can put in his watch and use to fight other yokai. Keita's partner, or version of Pikachu, is called "Whisper" (above). My oldest son described Yokai Watch as being kind of like Pokemon, but without leagues. Oh, and the other children in the show apparently cannot see the yokai. Only Keita can.

The show is popular with kids, because, well, kids like monsters. Pokémon has proved that. Centuries of Japanese yokai tradition have proved that. 
There is also an ending theme song, with a dance—or, to be more accurate, calisthenics—that children seem to enjoy doing at home after they watch the show. They also enjoy collecting medals, and in the past, shows like Kamen Rider have used them in their shows and toys.
Every year, there is one toy that parents have to wake up and stand in line for. This year, that toy is Yokai Watch. The watch is incredibly difficult to get, as are the collectible medals.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Fuupjuorbbsvedjv0eik
I don't think this is a child's arm. Call it a hunch. [Photo: k_a_n_a_t_a]
Here is a photo I took at a large toy store earlier this week. It was completely sold out of Yokai Watch medals.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Amxbk9tac1bxcgobwvly
And last month, the day when the second set of medals was released, Twitter user Kaztsu reports that there were over 120 people in line.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Rc480bsytxgpl4kcmuh7
There is also a kiddy Yokai Watch arcade game, which is often surrounded by children waiting to get their chance to play.
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Wguvsgxdku4zqzqoltyz
[Photo: minamisunamach1]
Searching "Yokai Watch" and "popular" in Japanese on Twitter brings up a slew of results and comments like: "Yokai Watch sure is popular," wrote @mizu5501; "I just realized that Yokai Watch is popular," wrote @tarano_me; "Don't you think Yokai Watch is too popular? ahahahahahahahahaha," wrote @ZG_YN.
Recently, website Inside Games tried to pinpoint why Yokai Watch was so popular, especially because the game wasn't really a huge hit when it was originally released. It seems like the anime gave it a huge boost in popularity, and it's been instrumental for it becoming a hit. No wonder now Level-5 boss Akihiro Hino is being called a "genius."
[Biographie]Yokai Watch : le nouveau successeur de pokémon???? Qdciyvd50lihfwqbzyzs
[Photo: rsknkns]
The anime brought Yokai Watch to a wide audience. My kids had no idea about the 3DS game—which they now want after the fact. It's like Level-5 studied everything that makes Japanese kids' shows popular and then distilled that into a new game and anime.
What will I be doing next week? Why, trying to get Yokai Watch medals for my middle child. If you know of any stores in the greater Osaka area with them in stock, let me know.


Nombre de messages : 2662
Age : 43
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Emploi/loisirs : TI Réseau
Mon Top 3 Anime/manga : il y en a trop et ca change tout le temps
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012

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