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Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant......

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Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Empty Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant......

Message par Neosilver Ven 15 Nov 2013 - 23:23

Je vous en ai peut-être déjà parler a travers des post déjà dans le passer (peut-être dans le flood).. Au japon, l'une des places très intéressant mondialement connue a visitez pour les touriste est le fameux parc de Nara.

A chaque année des tonnes de touriste vont faire un tour la bas car ce parc n'appartient pas au humain mais au Cerf!!!

Les fameux Cerf Sacré de Nara sont révérer depuis des génération dans la culture japonaise et il y en a plein qui vive librement dans ce parc a travers les humains qui s'y promène.

Vous avez juste a youtuber ''nara deer'' et vous aller en voir tout plein de vidéo de touriste qui y ont filmer leur expérience la bas.  Les cerf sont très amicaux... un peu trop même... ils ont un appétit féroce et adore venir quémander de la nourriture au visiteur.  Il y a plusieurs stand de nourriture a travers le parc et je crois si mes souvenir sont bon que c'est 8 (gros) biscuit pour 5$.  Attention au tout petit enfant... ils sont peut-être super mimi a voir et toucher....mais quand il y a une horde qui vous entoure et vous bouscule... cela pourrais être un peu effrayant.

Messengers of the Gods – Deer of Nara

Kujo (Fujiwara) Kanezane was a nobleman and statesman in the 12th century and, in cooperation with the first shogun at Kamakura, Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, led the government in Kyoto. Kujo is also famous for writing a diary called Gyokuyo, which provides us with precise records of those days. From the 25th day, 2nd month, 3rd year of the Angen era (March 26, 1177 by the Julian calendar) to the next day, he took his daughter for her first visit to Kasuga Shrine and other temples in Nara. In his diary, he wrote about an event during the visit as follows.
On our way to the shrine, many deer appeared in the morning darkness. This is a sign from the gods and a good omen. People say that when one encounters deer, he or she should get out of the carriage and bow to them.
— From Gyokuyo by Kujo Kanezane.
From this description, we realize that deer inhabiting the forest around Kasuga Shrine were venerated as messengers of the gods.

Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... DeerNaraSi vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Image_of_dieties.s
Deer in Nara Park and Mt. Mikasa, the sanctuary of Kasuga Shrine, among the Kasuga Hills in the background (left). More photos of deer...
Image of the Kashima deities departing to Kasuga (right), owned by the Nara National Museum.

Extending eastward from Nara, the Kasuga Hills have been inhabited by deer (sika deer : Cervus nippon) since prehistoric times. From antiquity, these hills have been considered sacred by the local people. In the 8th century, when Nara became the capital of Japan, the Fujiwara family established Kasuga-Taisha as their tutelary shrine at this location. The history of the shrine compiled in medieval times indicates that Takemikazuchi-no-Mikoto, the first of the shrine’s four deities was invited from Kashima (Ibaraki prefecture) and arrived riding a white deer in 768. Accordingly, the shrine and Kôfuku-ji, an associated Buddhist Monastery which exercised power over the Yamato Province, began to insist on the divinity of the deer inhabiting the Kasuga Hills. These deer were depicted on religious paintings as sacred animals on which deities are mounted. These paintings of medieval times are generally called Kasuga Mandala.
Subsequently, the deer of Nara have been strictly protected by the local authorities of all ages. This protection has sometimes been excessively strict, such that the penalty for killing deer was a death. Father Luis Frois, a Jesuit missionary from Portugal, wrote in his report dated February 20, 1565 that many deer freely roamed the streets of Nara and no one harmed them because they belonged to the shrine.
Kawaji Toshiakira, a government officer of the Tokugawa shogunate at Edo (present day Tokyo) in the 19th century, was in the service of the governor of Nara from 1846 to 1851. On the 30th day, 7th month, 3rd year of the Kôka era (September 20, 1846 by the Gregorian calendar), Kawaji was amazed to receive an indictment against a young man who accidentally killed a deer. He persuaded the authority of Kofuku-ji Monastery to withdraw the indictment. He noted in his diary, known as Neifu-kiji (Records in Nara), that he had believed that these laws, which made the killing of deer a capital offence should only have existed in literary fictions. After reviewing the records preserved in the governor’s office, he also noted that the last enforcement of that law was in 1637 and that it had never been done since.
After World War II, the divinity of the deer was officially renounced. Today, about 1,200 deer inhabit the area around Nara Park in a semi-wild state. They are designated and protected as a natural treasure by the government and attract tourists from the entire country and abroad.
By Noboru Ogata, Kyoto University
Voici les liens du site officiel de la région et celui du parc si jamais cela vous intéresse d'aller faire du touriste la bas.

Sinon en dehors de ceux la.... il y a d'autre parc de style ''zoo'' au japon qui vous intéresserais peut-être a visiter!!!

Dans quelques endroit au Japon... dont entre autre a Machida à Tokyo, il y a à ce qu'on appel, ''des jardins d'écureuil''....  Les règlements sont différent selon les endroits.. mais ils vous est possible de voir beaucoup d'écureuil et selon le secteur, différente espèce de ces petit rongeur.

il y a possibilité même de les nourrir et de les toucher (bonne chance tout de même... y sont comme des pigeons... pas peureux mais impossible a attraper).

Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Hey, that's what they're called! The actual name is "squirrel garden" ("risu-en" or リス園 in Japanese). And if you like squirrels, this is a little slice of squirrel heaven.
Recently on 2ch, a net user posted photos from a recent visit to a squirrel park. They're zoos that specialize in squirrels, and depending on where you go, they have different breeds of the critters as well as other small furry animals like guinea pigs and rabbits.
Twitter and other net users have also been uploading photos of their visits to squirrel gardens.
Perhaps the most famous squirrel garden is Machida Risu-en in Tokyo's, well, Machida, which has something like 200 squirrels roaming about in the main plaza and has been around since 1988.
However, there are also squirrel gardens located across Japan. At some of them, you can touch them (wearing gloves or not) and feed them. Others request that you not.
Have a look at some squirrel gardens:
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge
Si vous visitez le japon, il y a des parc publique intéressant...... Ku-xlarge


Nombre de messages : 2662
Age : 43
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Emploi/loisirs : TI Réseau
Mon Top 3 Anime/manga : il y en a trop et ca change tout le temps
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012

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