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La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie?

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La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? Empty La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie?

Message par Neosilver Jeu 9 Mai 2013 - 17:44

Un article que j'ai lu ma fais réfléchir sur nous les otaku et notre passion pour cette univers japonais. Certain sont tellement fan dévoué dans certaine sphère qu'il vont vraiment loin pour essayé de vivre le plus proche de leur passion dans ce monde.

On appellerais cela je suppose les hardcores?? Et vous? comment hardcore pensez vous l'être..... Juste pour le coté apparence, certains vont jusqu'a changer certain trait pour essayé de se rapprocher de ce qu'il aime. Cela peut aller a une simple coupe de cheveux... a un tatou....

Même pour les vêtements, la grande majorité vont ce cosplay pour le fun, mais certain en font vraiment leur ''mode de vie''.

Dans les extrêmes, certain irai peut-être même a vouloir vivre dans ce monde de manga et d'anime en recourant a des modification permanente qui est la chirurgie plastique. Je dis pas que ce domaine esthétique médical est mal et inutile, la chirurgie plastique a su redonner une vie a bien nombre de personne dans une bonne cause. Mais pour d'autre, je trouve cela peut-être... problématique??.... voir même maladive??

Dans cette article que j'ai lu, on nous présente une japonaise qui est adique a la modification corporel de son image ayant pour but d'un jour de ressemble littéralement a une vrai ''poupée française'' (style européen).

Son nombre d'opération subie a travers les années est hallucinant. Jusqu'a qu'elle point doit-on dire ''c'est assez, il y a peut-être un problème, elle a besoin d'aide''

On peut voir dans les images son apparence originelle jusqu'a présentement. Vous en pensez quoi de cette situation social qui affecte surement plusieurs personne dans la société?

Est-ce que les filles sont plus susceptible a ce phénomène que les gars??

Mon avis personnel, svp restez vous même et n'essayez pas de devenir autre chose qui pourrais mettre en danger votre santé.

La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? K-bigpic
Vanilla Chamu. She greets fellow Japanese people with a "bonjour" and
claims to be from the Palace of Versailles. She's not, of course.
Recently, she was introduced on Japanese TV as "Osaka's Plastic Surgery

This past April, Chamu appeared on Japanese variety show Watashi no Nani ga Ikenai no? (私の何がイケないの? or "Is There Something Wrong with Me?"). Until this appearance, Chamu was not
well known in Japan. She's done a little modeling work for fashion
magazines, but nothing major. This week, Japan's largest forum 2ch, rediscovered the recent Chamu TV appearance, bringing her to the most net users' attention for the very first time.

La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? Ku-xlarge
the show, Chamu talked about spending in excess of ten million yen
(over US$100,000) to have over thirty procedures done. To earn that kind
of money, she's worked as a hostess to save money to change her looks.
Above, you can see how her appearance has evolved. In the first image,
taken when she was 17, Chamu was plastic surgery free.

Ever since
Chamu was a little girl, she wanted to look like a French doll, which
have long been popular in Japan. On the show, Chamu explained why she
wanted to become a living doll, why she's had over three dozen
procedures, and perhaps why she'll never be content with the way she

La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? Ku-xlarge
continues to get what's called "character plastic surgery" (キャラクター整形 or
"kyarakutaa seikei") in Japan. The goal is too look like anime
characters or, in Chamu's case, like dolls.
In the past few years, more and more "living dolls" have popped up online. Some of them, like Dakota Rose, use camera tricks to pull off their doll-like appearance. Others, like Valeria Lukyanova, seem to go under the knife.

As a young
girl, Chamu was teased for her appearance. She was called "busaiku"
(ブサイク) or "ugly". When she talked to her father about the bullying, her
dad replied, "Well, you are ugly, so all you can do is suck it up." The
incident, Chamu said, traumatized her. Around that time, she saw a
French doll and decided she wanted to look like one.

isn't anyone who can look at a French doll and say they're not
beautiful," Chamu said on the program. On the show, however, Chamu
wasn't introduced as a doll, but as a "cyborg". The obvious nuance was
that she no longer looks totally human. "I want to be a living doll,"
she asserted, however.

La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? Ku-xlarge
graduating from high school, she got plastic surgery for the first
time. And ever since then, she's continued to get more and more work
done. On "Is There Something Wrong with Me?", members of the show's
panel seemed disturbed by Chamu's insatiable appetite for plastic
surgery, pointing out that this could eventually kill her.

talking about a leg lengthening operation, Chamu said, "Under safe
conditions, I want to become beautiful". That for her isn't limited to
dieting or exercise, but also includes radically changing her appearance
via surgery.

to Vanilla, she won't be content until she's a perfect French doll.
Seeing how Chamu sayid she was emotionally traumatized by childhood
experiences, she's unlikely to ever be content with plastic surgery and
her ever-evolving appearance. But at what point do her doctors tell her
she's had enough?

La chirurgie plastique pour changer son apparance, une maladie? Ku-xlarge

Nombre de messages : 2662
Age : 44
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Emploi/loisirs : TI Réseau
Mon Top 3 Anime/manga : il y en a trop et ca change tout le temps
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012

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