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Article Geek : différente --> ♂ Otaku VS ♀ Otaku

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Article Geek : différente --> ♂ Otaku VS ♀ Otaku Empty Article Geek : différente --> ♂ Otaku VS ♀ Otaku

Message par Neosilver Ven 14 Déc 2012 - 14:19

un article que j'ai lu sur les otaku du japon.... selon les commentaires des dites concernés du sujet.... il y a une grande différence entre les gars et les filles otaku... surtout selon leur habitude d'achat de produit.... étrangement a se que l'on aurais penser..... les gars sont bien plus minutieux sur les produits.... la qualité... et dépense beaucoup plus aussi que les filles.....

disons aussi qu'ils n'ont pas les même champs de domaine otaku....

Explaining the difference between male and female otaku

In Japan, there are male nerds and female nerds. And there are key differences between the two, besides their gender: The way they shop and interact with fandom are not the same, reports Excite Bit.

An individual connected to otaku (geek) goods told Excite that there's apparently a discrepancy in how much male and female otaku spend on items. The example given was that male nerds would be willing to spend up to, say, ¥9,000 (US$107) on a hug pillow cover for a cute character. What's more, male geeks in Japan are apparently very particular about quality and are willing to pony up extra cash for that quality.

Female geeks, on the other hand, are more grounded in reality with their nerd shopping and supposedly max out at ¥3,000 or ¥4,000 ($36 to $48) for an otaku CD. Things like inexpensive clear file folders apparently also do well.

Another key difference, the Excite piece adds, is that female geeks like characters and the voice actor who brings that character to life—the voice actor must "suit" the character. Male otaku, however, are more willing to embrace the character independently.

As many readers will probably know, there are numerous kinds of otaku (train otaku, gun otaku, movie otaku, etc). In Japan, there are many female otaku who follow musicals and spend large sums of money to see them. The Excite piece is more centered on anime, manga, and video game otaku, and it didn't take into account these big spending musical otaku. Ha, musical otaku! That sounds nice.

Nombre de messages : 2662
Age : 44
Ville : Rouyn-Noranda
Emploi/loisirs : TI Réseau
Mon Top 3 Anime/manga : il y en a trop et ca change tout le temps
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012

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